Astetika Medical

The FUE Process

FUE involves the meticulous extraction of individual hair follicles from donor areas, such as the back or sides of the scalp, using advanced technology. These follicles are then transplanted into areas experiencing hair loss or thinning, resulting in fuller, thicker hair growth. At Astetika Medical, our numbered team performs operations on a limited number of patients per day, allowing for meticulous attention to detail and optimal results.

Our Mission

Advantages of FUE

FUE hair transplantation offers numerous advantages, including minimal discomfort, no linear scarring, and quicker recovery times compared to traditional methods. Our expert team ensures that each follicular unit is extracted and transplanted with precision, leading to natural-looking results that enhance your appearance and confidence.

How it Works

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Our Benefits

Your Journey to Renewed Confidence

At Astetika Medical, we understand the emotional impact of hair loss and the importance of restoring your confidence. Our dedicated team will guide you through every step of the FUE hair transplant process, from initial consultation to post-procedure care, ensuring a seamless experience and exceptional results that exceed your expectations.

Full Support Throughout the Treatment.

High Level of Eqiupment

High Quality - Low Prices That’s Our Motto

Patient Cases

Check Out Feedback From Our Satisfied Customers!

Read about real patient experiences and see why our clinic is a top choice. Join our happy patients and book your appointment today

James Mitchell

"Astetika Medical exceeded my expectations. The team was professional, and I felt comfortable throughout. My hair looks fantastic!"

Sami Al-Habib

"أنا سعيد جدًا بخدمة أستيتيكا ميديكال. كان الفريق محترفًا للغاية وأشعر أنني كنت في أيد أمينة طوال العملية. كانت التجربة مريحة وخالية من الألم، وشعري الآن يبدو طبيعيًا وجميلًا بشكل لا يصدق. أوصي بهم بشدة!"

Pierre Dupont

"Je suis ravi d'avoir choisi Astetika Medical. Le personnel était sympathique, et le processus était indolore. Mes cheveux ont une apparence incroyable!"

Ayşe Demir

"Astetika Medikal’den çok memnun kaldım. Ekip inanılmaz ilgiliydi ve tüm süreç boyunca kendimi güvende hissettim. Tedavi tamamen ağrısız geçti ve saçlarım şimdi çok doğal görünüyor."

Luca Rossi

"Non potrei essere più felice con Astetika Medical. Il personale è stato amichevole, e il trattamento è stato indolore. I miei capelli sono fantastici!"

Reach out for Hair Renewal

Ready to take the first step toward restoring your hair and confidence?

Contact Astetika Medical today to schedule your consultation. Our friendly team is here to answer your questions and assist you in achieving your hair restoration goals.

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